Archaeology at the Monashee Camp

During the First World War the Monashee Mountains were the site of an internment camp for those deemed 'enemy aliens' by the government. Hundreds of men were forced to work on deplorable conditions to build the road over the mountains that we today call Highway 6.
In the summer of 2021 a team of archaeologists led by Dr. Sarah Beaulieu from the University of the Fraser Valley, excavated the former site of the camp. Their work brought forth many new revelations about this dark chapter of Canadian history.
This short documentary tells the fascinating story of what they uncovered.
This documentary was created by Greg Laychak from UFV's Community Health and Social Innovation Hub with the support of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund.
In the summer of 2021 a team of archaeologists led by Dr. Sarah Beaulieu from the University of the Fraser Valley, excavated the former site of the camp. Their work brought forth many new revelations about this dark chapter of Canadian history.
This short documentary tells the fascinating story of what they uncovered.
This documentary was created by Greg Laychak from UFV's Community Health and Social Innovation Hub with the support of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund.
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This documentary was created by Greg Laychak from UFV's Community Health and Social Innovation Hub with the support of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund.