Walking Tour
Architecture and Heritage Tour

Architectural overview of one of the first settlements in New France. 300 years of history, one tour.
This project is a collaboration with the province of Quebec.
1. Place Pierre-Boucher

CIEQ. Collection René-Hardy, Fonds Trois-Rivières, Série Lorne Massicotte, TR_L_MASSICOTTE_133.
It was around 1650 that Pierre Boucher, captain and later governor, undertook major fortification work on the Bourg (town) de Trois-Rivières. The city ended where Place Pierre-Boucher is today and extended along Des Ursulines Street.
2. Rue des Casernes

This road was laid out between 1663 and 1704 and its name recalls the military barracks that were located in the former Governors' House on the Platon.
3. Parc du Platon

CIEQ. Collection René-Hardy, Fonds Trois-Rivières, Série Conrad Godin, TR_CONRAD_GODIN_014
You reach the Platon, the founding place of Trois-Rivières in the 17th century. In 1634, a man named Laviolette was sent to this place to build a trading post which became Trois-Rivières. The site of the Platon was home to the governor's house, the college of Trois-Rivières and even a park built at the end of the 1800's which was a popular meeting place for businessmen of the time.
4. Place des drapeaux

CIEQ. Collection René-Hardy, Fonds Trois-Rivières, Série Conrad Godin, TR_CONRAD_GODIN_121.
The flag square in the harbour park offers a magnificent view of the harbour and the Laviolette Bridge.
5. Terrasse Turcotte

Archives du Séminaire de Trois-Rivières, cote : 0064-28-10.
The Turcotte Terrace was opened around 1652 and was originally named Remparts Street. It is known for its beautiful bourgeois houses. The 1180-1186, erected in 1917, is typical of the Victorian eclecticism of this period. Often called the "Turcotte turrets", they act as a landmark. Built around 1925, the 890, of eclectic architecture, is distinguished by the quality of the ornamental details of its oriel and its superimposed galleries. And finally, the Turcotte House (858) was built around 1840. In the neoclassical style, it is characterized by its size, its symmetry and its columned entrance porch. It was once one of the wealthiest houses in the city.
6. Monument de la Vérendrye

CIEQ. Collection René-Hardy, Fonds Trois-Rivières, Série Jean-Marc Gaudreault, TR_JMG017
The bust and the monument in memory of Pierre Gaultier de Varenne, sieur de Lavérendry and other discoverers were designed in 1934.
7. Jardin des Ursulines

CIEQ, Collection René-Hardy, Fonds Diapos GRM, DIAPO_GRM_252
The city acquired the Ursuline garden in 1984. After archaeological excavations, a park was created in 1986.
8. Monastère des Ursulines

The facade of the chapel and its dome facing you were built in 1896-97 by the architects Georges-Félix and Joseph Héroux. The dome became the signature of the des Ursulines street.
9. Maison Hertel La Fresnière

CIEQ, Collection René-Hardy, Fonds Trois-Rivières, Série Trois-Rivières Illustré, TR_ILLUSTRE_056
The Hertel-De La Fresnière house was built in 1829 in the neo-classical style. It is distinguished by its symmetry, its exposed stone and its ashlar cornice. It was named in honor of a Trifluvian who was a famous military man during the New France era, Joseph-François Hertel de La Fresnière.
10. Maison Georges de Gannes

CIEQ. Collection René-Hardy, Fonds Trois-Rivières, Série François Badeau, TR_FR_BADEAU_333.
The Georges De Gannes House (1756) is a French inspiration, with neoclassical influences. Notice the many paneled windows that show the age of the house.
11. Église St-James

CIEQ. Collection René-Hardy, Fonds Trois-Rivières, Série Trois-Rivières Illustré, TR_ILLUSTRE_081.
Although the building has long been associated with Anglican worship, it also has a rich French past. In fact, the building's occupation can be divided into three periods: that of the Recollets from 1692 to 1777, that of a courthouse and prison from 1777 to 1823, and finally that of an Anglican church from 1823 to the present day.
12. Manoir de Tonnancour

Archives des Filles de Jésus. 230-001-062-002
The Tonnancour manor house, built in 1795, is a bourgeois urban house of French tradition. It is distinguished by its presence, its mansard roof and its fireproof gable walls.
13. Place d'armes

CIEQ, Série Trois-Rivières illustrée_048.
The Place d'Armes is an ancient gathering place whose permanent occupation dates back to 1650.
14. Parc des Gouverneurs

This park honors the 29 Governors who succeeded each other in Trois-Rivières. The government of Trois-Rivières was abolished on August 10, 1764.
15. Sacré-Cœur et église paroissiale

CIEQ. Collection René-Hardy, Fonds Trois-Rivières, Série Trois-Rivières Illustré, TR_ILLUSTRE_037.
The Sacred Heart monument was erected in 1913 on the site of the sanctuary of the Immaculate Conception parish church of Trois-Rivières, which was destroyed by the great fire of June 22, 1908.